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Must-Know Facts About White Paper & Examples Of White Paper Template


Content marketers frequently use white papers because of their popularity and effectiveness. They can be used to position your company as a thought leader, present useful and convincing research and information about your products and services, and generate new business opportunities. To make white paper marketing an effective part of your overall content marketing strategy, you'll need this comprehensive guide about what are white papers and some great examples of white paper template.

What Is A White Paper And Format?

An in-depth report or guide on a specific subject and the issues it raises is known as a white paper. It aims to educate and assist readers in understanding and resolving a problem.

A white paper, like an eBook, is a long-form piece of content in the world of marketing. White papers, on the other hand, are more technical and in-depth. White papers frequently rely on original research or statistics compiled by the publisher from reputable sources to support their facts and opinions. Data visualization tools such as charts, graphs, and tables are frequently used.

White papers, as the term is known, were first used by the British government as a term for official documents. The Churchill White Paper, commissioned by Winston Churchill in 1922, is one well-known example.

Currently, the term is most commonly used in reference to publications that take a "deep dive." Businesses — particularly those in the consulting, financial, and business-to-business (B2B) sectors — use them to communicate their organization's philosophy on a subject, to argue for the superiority of their product, or to simply present research findings in their field.

White papers, like other forms of content, are editorial in nature, but their depth of research lends them an authoritative tone. As a result, they make excellent candidates for thought leadership promotion.

Who Uses White Papers?

Government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), think tanks, consulting firms and financial institutions have traditionally used white papers to present their research findings in an easily digestible format.

White papers have become more prevalent in other industries as a result of the widespread growth and adoption of content marketing (the creation and distribution of non-promotional content intended to generate interest in a business and its offerings). Producing white papers can benefit any organization that engages in content marketing.

Their widespread use across a wide range of industries can be attributed to their adaptability. A B2B startup will use white papers in a different way than a large consultancy, and both will use them in a different way than a government organization, despite the fact that all white papers have certain elements in common.

Types Of White Papers

A business may publish a variety of different types of white papers.

Another is a problem-solving approach, in which the audience is guided through the resolution of a common problem in their industry.

One type is the backgrounder, which details the advantages of their product, service, or methodology.

Other types of white papers simply summarize pertinent statistics and data regarding the state of a particular field or industry.

Regardless of the format, the contents of your white paper should serve to demonstrate your expertise in a particular field. In their quest for knowledge, your target audience will seek out a reliable source — a company they regard as possessing extensive expertise on a particular topic.

Your white paper should demonstrate your expertise in a particular field.

Examples Of MS Word White Paper Template

Sample screenshot of page of centra white paper template
Sample screenshot of page of centra white paper template
Sample page of maconraine white paper template
Sample page of maconraine white paper template
Sample page of US Air Force white paper template
Sample page of US Air Force white paper template

Examples Of Online White Paper Template

What Developers Want - CodinGame

Screenshot of webpage of What Developers Want—CodinGame
Screenshot of webpage of What Developers Want—CodinGame

The Developers at Work Survey results are presented in this one-pager that shows how a white paper should be written. The interactive, animated data charts demonstrate the embed feature's full potential.

Privacy And The GDPR—BDO

Screenshot of webpage of Privacy And The GDPR—BDO
Screenshot of webpage of Privacy And The GDPR—BDO

Special edition by BDO and creative agency Monte Media transforms a traditionally dull subject into a piece of content that's engaging and comes to life in an impressive way.

Building And Applying A Content Marketing Strategy—Foleon

Screenshot of webpage of Building And Applying A Content Marketing Strategy—Foleon
Screenshot of webpage of Building And Applying A Content Marketing Strategy—Foleon

This white paper serves as a step-by-step guide to achieving success with content marketing strategies.


Any overt promotion of your business is inappropriate in a white paper, which is not meant to be an advertisement. Instead, you should provide a wealth of useful information that readers will find useful even if they do not become customers. The key to creating a great white paper that will be shared and widely read is to emphasize value.

Remember that white papers are used to demonstrate your expertise as a company or brand in a specific field. Your readers should leave feeling like they've learned something useful and that you're a trustworthy source of expert information. As previously stated, establishing this type of reputation will lead to increased business success because buyers are more likely to purchase from companies they trust.

The key to writing a great white paper that is shared and widely read is to emphasize value. We hope this white paper template article has helped you make a more concise and effective white paper for your business or company.

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About The Authors

Steve Martins

Steve Martins- I am a certified graphic designer and I earned my bachelor’s degree in Communication Design. I worked with many brands like Uniqlo and Huawei but also independent smaller Barcelonian brands like Caravelle and Madrid’s Hola Coffee and I have completed over 2000 projects in the last 5 years.

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