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Make Lesson Plan Template In Simple Steps: Creating an exceptional learning experience


It may be intimidating, to begin with, a blank lesson plan. On one hand, we want to ensure that our students are thinking deeply about the substance of the lesson, which requires a well-thought-out strategy. On the other hand, this requires a significant amount of effort, and classroom instructors are famously time-pressed.

So, how can we design instructional materials with clear learning goals that will lead our students to good learning outcomes? In this post, we debunk several common misconceptions about lesson plans and provide a new method for generating what we call thinking guides.

Although many organizations supply lesson plans, the majority of them fail to provide a consistent approach to lesson planning. This entry was posted on July 8, 2010.

Make Lesson Plan Template In Simple Steps
Make Lesson Plan Template In Simple Steps

What Is Included In A Lesson Plan

The majority of lesson plans consist of a timetable of activities that you will present throughout the session. Additional parts are included in some lesson plans for more in-depth preparation.

You may wish to include the following parts in your lesson plan:

  • Activities for the class
  • Materials for the class
  • The objectives of the lesson
  • Objectives for the lesson
  • Commentary on the lesson

Elements of a Good Lesson Plan

5 Types Of Lesson Plans

You may construct a variety of lesson plans based on a number of variables, including how many grade levels or topics you teach each day and how far ahead of time you want to prepare your lessons.

What is a Lesson Plan? How to plan lessons for all types of English students.

Here are five kinds of lesson plans that you may utilize in your classroom:


Some educators prepare lessons for each day of the week. Each plan lasts one class hour, and there are five different lesson plans for the whole week.

Each day includes a distinct goal and a brief evaluation at the conclusion of the day to check for comprehension of the material and determine if the students understood the day's purpose.


Weekly lesson plans are made up of a single lesson that will last the whole week. The plan is designed to be completed in 5 consecutive class sessions. Educators teach the material early in the week, students practice applying it on their own in the middle of the week, and instructors evaluate students' comprehension at the conclusion of the week.


Some teachers choose to prepare a whole unit in advance, which may take anywhere from two weeks to two months to teach and evaluate. Because they cover a broader variety of topics, some lesson plans are more comprehensive than others.

Planning a full unit ahead of time may help instructors anticipate how long a unit will take to finish and pace classes according to their students' abilities. Because some classes finish units quicker than others, instructors may need to adjust the unit lesson plan appropriately.

Content Section

Some teachers teach more than one topic each day, which necessitates the creation of numerous lesson plans.

Many primary instructors, for example, teach math, English, science, and social studies throughout the day, and each of these subject areas requires a separate lesson plan.

Depending on the teacher's choices, each subject area's plan may be for one day, a week, or the whole unit.

Grade Level

Some educators teach more than one grade level in secondary classes, which usually range from grades six to twelve. Those instructors create various lesson plans for each session based on the grade level they are instructing.

A teacher may teach all 6th-grade science courses in the morning and then 8th-grade science for the remainder of the day. Because each grade level is studying different materials in varying degrees of detail, they develop their own plans.

Steps For Preparing A Lesson Plan

The six stages outlined here will help you construct your first lesson plans. Each stage is followed by a series of questions that will help you reflect and plan your teaching and learning activities.

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Outline Learning Objectives

The first step is to figure out what you want your pupils to know and be able to accomplish at the conclusion of the class. Answer the following questions to help you define your student learning objectives:

  • What is the lesson's subject?
  • What do I want students to take away from this experience?
  • At the conclusion of class, what do I want them to know and be able to do?
  • What do I want students to remember about this lesson in particular?

After you've written out the learning goals for the class meeting, prioritize them. In the event that you are pushed for time, this phase will prepare you for managing class time and completing the most essential learning goals.

Think about the following issues:

What are the most critical concepts, ideas, or abilities that I want students to understand and apply?

  • What is their significance?
  • Which ones could not be skipped if I ran out of time?
  • Which ones, on the other hand, could I skip if I was rushed for time?

Develop The Introduction

Design the particular activities you will use to enable students to comprehend and apply what they have learned now that you have your learning goals in order of priority. Because you'll be teaching a varied group of pupils with a variety of academic and personal backgrounds, they may already be acquainted with the subject.

That's why you should start with a question or exercise to assess students' understanding of the topic, as well as any preconceived ideas they may have about it. Take a basic poll, for example: "How many of you have heard of X?"

If you have, raise your hand." You may also collect background information from your pupils ahead of time by sending them an electronic survey or having them write remarks on index cards. This extra information may help you design your introduction, learning exercises, and other aspects of your presentation.

You will know what to concentrate on after you get a feel of the students' familiarity with the subject. Create a unique introduction to the subject to pique people's attention and get them thinking.

To engage pupils, you may utilize a number of methods (e.g., personal anecdote, historical event, thought-provoking dilemma, real-world example, short video clip, practical application, probing question, etc.).

When preparing your introduction, keep the following questions in mind:

  • How will I determine if pupils are familiar with the subject and whether they have any preconceived ideas about it?
  • What are some widely held beliefs (or potentially misunderstandings) regarding this subject that students may know or believe?
  • What am I going to do to introduce the subject?

Plan The Specific Learning Activities (The Main Body Of The Lesson)

Prepare a variety of methods to teach the subject (real-life examples, analogies, graphics, etc.) to capture more students' attention and appeal to a variety of learning styles. Estimate how much time you'll spend on each of your examples and activities as you lay them out.

Allow time for detailed explanations or discussions, but also be prepared to move swiftly to new applications or issues, as well as to develop methods for ensuring comprehension.

These questions will assist you in creating the learning activities you'll use:

  • What am I going to do to explain the subject?
  • What will I do to present the subject in a new light?
  • How can I get pupils interested in the topic?
  • What real-life examples, analogies, or scenarios can students use to better grasp the topic?
  • What will students need to undertake in order to get a deeper understanding of the topic?

Plan To Check For Understanding

You need to check for student comprehension now that you've presented the subject and demonstrated it with many examples. How will you know whether students are learning?

Consider specific questions you can ask students to check for comprehension, write them down, and then paraphrase them, so you may pose the questions in a variety of ways.

Try to foresee what kinds of responses your inquiries may elicit. Determine whether pupils should answer verbally or in writing to spark some thoughts, and you may also ask yourself the following questions:

  • What questions will I ask students to ensure that they grasp the material?
  • What will I have the pupils do to show that they are paying attention?
  • What activity can I have students complete to assess whether each of my learning goals has been met, going back to my list of learning objectives?

Anticipating students' queries is an essential technique that will also help you manage your time. Determine which kinds of questions will be useful for discussion and which ones will cause the class to get distracted while preparing for your lecture.

Consider and choose a balance between covering information (meeting your learning goals) and ensuring student comprehension.

Develop A Conclusion And A Preview

Summarize the key points of the lecture to review the information presented in class.

You may do this in a variety of ways: you can express the key points yourself, you can ask a student to assist you to summarize them, or you can ask all students to write down what they believe the important elements of the lesson were on a sheet of paper.

You may go through the students' responses to see how well they grasp the subject, and then clarify anything that is confusing the next session. Finish the lesson by summarizing the key topics and giving a previewof the following lesson.

What is the connection between this subject and the one to come? These sneak peeks will pique students' attention and assist them in connecting the various concepts from a broader perspective.

Create A Realistic Timeline

GSIs understand how easy it is to run out of time and not be able to cover all of the topics they had intended to. Because a list of 10 learning goals is unrealistic, limit your list to two or three essential concepts, ideas, or abilities that you want pupils to master.

Instructors also believe that they must often modify their lesson plans in class based on the needs of their pupils. Your prioritized learning goals list will aid you in making quick choices and adjusting your lesson plan as required.

You may also be more adaptable if you have more examples or alternate tasks. A realistic timetable reflects your adaptability and willingness to adjust to the classroom's unique setting.

Here are some ideas for making a realistic schedule:

  • Estimate how much time each activity will take, then leave some additional time for each. When making your lesson plan, write how much time you anticipate each activity to take next to it.
  • Plan to spend a few minutes at the conclusion of class answering any lingering questions and summarizing important topics.
  • If you have time left over, plan an additional activity or a discussion topic.
  • Be adaptable rather than adhering to your initial strategy, be willing to modify your lesson plan to meet the requirements of your students, and concentrate on what seems to be more effective.

Presenting The Lesson Plan

It will be easier to keep your students interested and on track if you let them know what they will be studying and doing in class. You may communicate your lesson plan with students by posting a short agenda on the board or by directly telling them what they will learn and do in class.

The learning goals for the class may be written on the board or on a handout. Organizing class time in a meaningful way may assist students to not only recall more but also follow your presentation and get the reasoning behind in-class activities.

It will also assist you and your pupils to remain on track if you have a clearly visible agenda.

10. Presentation - Lesson Planning


The lesson plan does not have to be a comprehensive document that covers every conceivable classroom situation to be successful. It is also not required to anticipate every student's answer or inquiry.

Instead, it should provide you a broad overview of your teaching goals, learning objectives, and strategies for achieving them. It serves as a reminder of your goals and how you intend to achieve them. A fruitful lesson is one in which both students and instructors learn from one other, rather than one in which everything goes precisely as planned.

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About The Authors

Steve Martins

Steve Martins- I am a certified graphic designer and I earned my bachelor’s degree in Communication Design. I worked with many brands like Uniqlo and Huawei but also independent smaller Barcelonian brands like Caravelle and Madrid’s Hola Coffee and I have completed over 2000 projects in the last 5 years.

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